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Christ follower. Coffee addict. Introverted. Nostalgic. Want to know more?

Begin Again | Week Four Worship Guide

Worship is defined as the expression of reverence and adoration of God. Worship shows how deeply we respect God and how we lift Him up above all. Worship is what we were created for, by the way. There are many ways that we can glorify God, and we've only exhausted a few of those options so far. After today, I hope…

Begin Again | Week Four Prayer Guide

Each week I'll give you a prayer guide that compliments your devotions. You can add this prayer to your prayer time (or not). Sometimes I need help finding the words, so I wanted to make sure you have an avenue to get your prayer time going. This week's prayer is about strength. Whatever way you decide to pray…

Begin Again | Week Four Checklist

Week Four's topic of the Begin Again challenge is Strength. To get ready for the challenge this week, make sure you fill out your habit tracker with the things you're going to be working toward over the next 7 days, and schedule in time to read your Bible, the Devotional (if you choose the Subscriber version),…

Begin Again | Week Three Worship Guide

Worship is defined as the expression of reverence and adoration of God. Worship shows how deeply we respect God and how we lift Him up above all. Worship is what we were created for, by the way. There are many ways that we can glorify God, and over these next two weeks we will explore some of those together. Today we&…