There's no room for fear of failure this round. Promise!
Last week I sat down and wrote out a few goals to focus on and certain things to prioritize over the next four weeks. A quick reminder for myself: this journey isn't about perfection. I want to improve my quality of life so that I can feel stronger, confident, and better take care of the body God created for me. If I don’t check off every goal on the daily, I’ll be ok. The real work comes in how I’ll handle the day after.
Every day I will...
...wake up at 6 a.m. to spend time with God.
...walk at least 2 miles (outdoors, weather permitting).
...intentionally move my body to strengthen it.
...make meals to nourish my body, being mindful of portions and focusing on whole foods.
...drink only water (plus a cup of coffee in the mornings).
I will prioritize...
...sleep and get to bed on a regular schedule.
...spending quality time with my husband and kids.
...being creative; taking time to write, read, dance, and explore my passions.
...living my life unplugged to be fully present throughout the day.
I have my habit tracker printed and ready to fill in as I complete my goals over the coming weeks. My most important goal however, is to keep going no matter what obstacles arise. Whether it's an illness or distracting circumstances, there is always time to make even a small step toward progress.
I’ll be checking in next ween to tell you all about my first week of the journey! Spoiler: I’ve already had a few obstacles arise. Check back Monday to read all about it!