I wish all it took for me to feel fresh and revived was a good thundershower. I wish all it took was to stand out in the rain, allowing it to wash away all of the dull, lifeless bits and replace them with green, glorious blossoms. Alas, it isn't as simple as that.
I'll come right out and admit that I'm struggling. The past month or so has not gone how I imagined it to, and that's saying something since I always tend to imagine the worst. After having Covid the end of May, getting myself back to "normal" has been most difficult. I'm not sleeping well. I don't have the energy or motivation to look after myself. And, to top it off, one or more of my children seems to be sick or feeling unwell. Summer usually doesn't just give us a break from school routines, but sickness as well. This year though the kids are always complaining of coughs, sore throats, and tummy aches. We've had more ear infections in this household in the last month than the last several years combined!
I'm a great planner, but not great executing said plans when things end up going not as planned. Flexibility isn't my forte. And right now, I don't know what is.
So, I'm just checking in since my posts stopped abruptly last month. I had hoped to be more consistent, and maybe if I keep showing up things will start to fall in place better... but I have been struggling, and I'm not quite sure how to move forward. The least I can do is to put my truth out there in case anyone else is feeling similarly.