It's the first full week of school for the kiddos and my least favorite week of the month, if you catch my drift. No matter what mother nature is throwing at me, I'll be fully prepared and have a freshly prepped planner to make sure of it. This week will be much slower than the previous two since my energy is lower and I'll most likely not be taking my walk outdoors for (at least) these first few days. I still want to keep the momentum going even if my motivation is waning a bit. While I was fully aware of what this week would bring for me, I still never know exactly how I'll feel or what symptoms will be presenting themselves. No matter how low I may get, I don't want to let my feelings lead me. I still want to take care of myself and do what I *know* helps me feel stronger physically and mentally/emotionally.
For the most part, my anxiety has been acting up a bit more and I have been catching myself worrying and thinking of worst-case-scenarios. To combat that, I've filled my planner with reminders of God's love and provision, as well as to take those worries to His throne. He's never not made things work out for me, and I want to reflect on those times as I go through today.
My morning routine is my absolute favorite part of my day! I have a checklist for each part that I want to complete: Bible study is first always, prayer journaling is next, and whenever I get a chance I will write in my diary, here on the blog, and give myself a daily dose of movement through a walk or exercise video.
This week I will be incorporating more exercise videos that are low-impact until I am feeling better. I'll be planning those out in the boxes underneath my morning routine. I also like to jot down what the meal plan is for that day, too, because I've been cooking dinner most nights this month and I want to continue being queen of the kitchen for now.

Check back later this week to see my layout #AfterThePen!