My children are having their school pictures taken today and I was reminded of how important picture day was growing up. The excitement of choosing the perfect outfit and getting up early so my Momma could curl my hair! At least one time I forgot to mention it was picture day and showed up in a dingy purple sweatshirt that shocked my mother into making me retake them altogether. (Sorry, Mom!) Looking back, I can’t help but smile at the velvet turtleneck I wore in one of my elementary school photos. Although, the perm really finished the look that year!
This morning I got to spend a little extra time curling my own daughter’s hair and picking out perfect outfits. In the spirit of school picture day, I’m sharing some of my own school photos (and then some)!
For most of my elementary school pics I had either a chin-length bob with bangs (haphazardly cut with safety scissors by yours truly) or a fluffy perm! After 30-some years, I’m finally appreciating my crooked smile. |
High School picture day meant waking up extra early to make sure my hair was perfect (at least for my standards). I didn’t wear makeup much in high school and I got lucky that I didn’t have a breakout before the big day! Trust me, I wasn’t always as lucky. I don’t miss that about growing up at all!
Senior pictures were a rite of passage. I had several outfit changes and even brought my color guard rifle, flag, and trophies to pose with! Unfortunately a computer glitch deleted most of my senior pics, so I’m sharing the few that survived.
It’s 2006, and 17-year-old Kendra loved her crochet shrug and sequined mule slippers (not pictured). I found the embellished tops at Wal-Mart of all places. And while I never wore the sequined tank to school, I had to include it in my senior pictures (I loved it so much I had it in 3 colors)! While I am excited that some Y2K trends are coming back, I’ll be happy to never see a pair of low-rise jeans again.
My next picture big day would be my wedding day, followed by ones from the daycare center I taught at for two years. I do not miss working in a stiff purple polo shirt at all! The last picture shown, of me and my husband, was in December of 2011 when I was just a few months pregnant - we were waiting to tell all of our family that year at Christmas, but we were smiling ear to ear knowing our precious Baby would be making us a family of 3 soon! |
I am a sucker for photographic memories, as you can see. Although I have had a difficult time being in front of the camera the last several years, I’m trying to make it a goal of mine to be in more pictures with and for my kids, so when they grow up and want to look back on their happy memories, they’ll see their Momma smiling right along with them!