Over the years, our family tree has had several makeovers, but for the last few we've enjoyed white, twinkling lights and a myriad of special ornaments that were created by our children, purchased on family vacations or Daniel's travels around the globe, and those gifted to us by loved ones. One of our favorite Christmas traditions is to let the kids pick out a new ornament each year. One day, when they're grown and ready to celebrate with their own family, they'll have a sweet little collection of baubles to decorate their own home.
One of my absolute favorite Christmas items is the stocking my mother made for me. It's bedazzled with sequins and beads on beautiful red felt depicting baby Jesus, a reindeer, and a few other little creatures. My momma made one special for all three of us kids; I hope to make my own one someday soon! For now, the trio of striped stockings will do with red for Evie, green for Zeke, and red/green combo for Elora.
My husband collects Nativity sets and things. While most of them are very fragile, we do like to keep a few out to remind us of the true reason for the season. The house is also decorated with homemade ornaments my Momma creates (she really needs to open up a craft shop on Etsy or something, she's remarkable at crafting pretty little things). My favorite are the felt gingerbread babies hanging on our garland with each of the kid's names. She helped me create a little salt dough ornament family that I display on a tiny tree in my kitchen, too! I've been displaying those proudly since 2020 when they were first created, and plan to show them off every year after!

Thanks for rocking around the Christmas tree with me and Evie in our reveal video above! We had so much fun making it and taking pictures of all of our favorite things. I shared more looks and dance moves over on Instagram. If you'd like to follow me on social you can find me on all the things @CurrentlyKendra!
Happy Blogmas Monday! I'll be back tomorrow with another Blogmas feature!