You thought I'd forgotten about today's Blogmas post, huh? I've been busy going through all of my family photo albums and discs gathering up all of the sweetest memories of Christmas I could find. It took quite some time since I had nearly 30-some years to sift through. I still remember my favorite Christmas traditions growing up: sending letters to the North Pole, leaving milk and cookies out for Santa on Christmas Eve, traveling to see my grandparents for Christmas dinner, and opening lots of presents, of course! I'm sorry it's taken me all day to get around to posting. I hope the wait was worth it; please enjoy this trip down memory lane with me!
Baby Kendra at Christmastime. |
Little kid Kendra at Christmastime. |
Adolescent Kendra at Christmastime. |
Christmastime with Devin. 💗 |
I was blessed to spend Christmas of 2002 with Devin. I wish it could have been more. Life has never been the same without him. One day we will be celebrating together in heaven.
Grown-up Kendra at Christmastime. |
I may be a posting all over the place this week now that Christmas plans and events are in full swing. Come back for tomorrow's post that will definitely be posted before sunset though!
Happy Blogmas and Merry Christmas memories to all!