Spirit of Christmas | Q&A with K

Spirit of Christmas | Kendra Wesley

My alarm woke me up this morning, but not enough to actually get me up. After a three hour finale of Dancing with the Stars kept me up way past my bedtime, I figured a lazy morning was due. I've been good about getting up and getting moving before 6 a.m. so one morning off every now and again is warranted. The finale also distracted me from getting today's post ready by 7 a.m. which is why you're reading this later in the morning. Later is better than not at all! 

While I was trying to fall asleep last night my thoughts kept drifting back to Christmas memories growing up. Christmastime was always my favorite time. Each year seemed to get better than the last. I am hoping my children will have a similar feeling when they recollect their Christmas memories when they're older and have their own families and traditions.

My thoughts also took me back to my Myspace days of all things. As funny as that seems now, Myspace was the place to be for a while. Each day you would log on to read your messages, photo comments, see if you've received any new friend requests and check bulletins. Oh, the bulletins. The surveys we would take those days to entertain ourselves. They're quite similar to some of the Instagram story templates shared nowadays. My personal favorite templates are made by @ShetheSpy. All of the fun below is courtesy of her free work found on Instagram, Pinterest, and her blog of the same name. Just wanted to give credit where credit is due! If you want to share your answers to your blog or social media, click on the survey at the bottom of the page to take you to She the Spy's boards to choose your favorites! Now, in honor of those good old myspace bulletin days... let's just get into it, shall we? 

More fun is headed your way all season long! Happy Blogmas and Merry Christmas!