Summer 2024 Vision Board & Goals

KW Summer 2024 Vision Board

Happy Monday! Am I the only person who looks forward to Mondays? I love the blessing of a fresh start. Sunday afternoon I sat down with my Design Your Summer planner Design Your Summer planner to plan out our family schedule for the week. We have lots to get ready and look forward to with Vacation Bible School and vacation coming up. I have several weeks to stay in my pit of self-loathing, or to make steps of progress toward my goals. I choose the latter! 

 I am still feeling quite off and very bleh. I have my annual physical coming up and already have a running list of things I'd like to discuss that will hopefully help me understand why I'm feeling less than optimal right now. Of course, the four hours of sleep a night could be the culprit. However, I have a few weeks to get myself back on track before the appointment and I want to see, if I put my mind to it, how much better I can feel if I put in the work towards it. 

 To help boost my inspiration, I put together a summer vision board to help remind me of what I want to accomplish! 


 I mentioned in my last post that I was doing a 75-soft challenge. I started in April and made a good solid month's worth of progress (1/3 of the 75 days to be exact). I had one really rough week that completely threw me off target. And I've almost spent the same amount of days sabotaging myself from getting back on the wagon. This morning I got up and got back at it again! Since today was my day one, by my 36th birthday I can will have completed the full 75 days! The goals I'm focusing on during this challenge are: 80+ oz. of water a day, 7 hours of sleep, reading 10 pages of my Bible, 10,000 steps a day, sensible meals and cooking at home, and working out for at least 45-minutes.


As mentioned above, reading my Bible is a priority. By mid-July I will have read the Bible cover-to-cover for the first time in my life. I started my Bible reading plan in August of 2022, and have since expedited the one-chapter-a-day readings to include ten full pages. I also have a list of summer reads I'd like to finish that include, Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen, Honest Prayers for Mama Bears by Hillary Morgan Ferrer, and Create Anyway by Ashlee Gadd. I don't want to waste what little reading time I have with fiction, and these titles are sure to help me grow as a woman, wife, and mother!

Summer Vision Board 2024


This summer I want to spend intentional time with each of my children and with family as a whole. I want to make sure the kids spend plenty of time outside and that we take hold of opportunities throughout the day that we normally don't have time for during the school year. I want to fill our structured day with spontaneous fun! I want to take morning hikes, afternoon picnics, evening outings for ice cream cones and more!


I need a head-to-toe makeover. From my hair going wavy/curly after 31 years of being pin straight, to not really having a sense of style this last decade of being a stay-at-home mom, I'd like to start finding myself again. For starters, I want to go through every space in our house to purge and organize. I want to let go of what no longer serves me to make room for the things that bring me joy! I also want to take a little time each week (if not daily) to pamper myself a bit. Taking care of my body with exercise works wonders from the inside out; I also want to make sure that the outside looks as good as I will be feeling, too.


I want to get in the habit of journaling for fun again. I used to keep a daily journal growing up, and I think getting all of the heavy and the highlights of my day out and onto a page will do my heart and soul a ton of good. I want to spend time creating and writing here, too. I would love to see this blog become a place for women to find encouragement. Instead of wasting my time scrolling on my phone, I'm going to do away with social media and trade it for hours of creating content instead! I will be on Instagram from time to time though, so I can hopefully make some connections there, but no more wasting away doom scrolling my life away!

Part of taking back summer break is filling it with the people who matter most, making time for things that fill your heart with happiness, and putting in  the work this season that will be enjoyed for seasons to come!


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