2. Daniel, you are the most loving, honorable, patient, and selfless man I know. I love getting to do life with you for eternity! I will never stop trying to be better for you! You deserve so much more than words can describe. My love for you can never be extinguished.
3. Ezekiel, you will always be my Sonshine. God has amazing plans for you! I’m so blessed to be your momma!
4. Evolette, you will always be my Pearl. God has wonderful plans for you! I’m so blessed to be your momma!
5. Elora, you will always be my Baby. God has incredible plans for you! I’m so blessed to be your momma!
6. Momma, you mean the world to me. You are my constant source of love and support. You are irreplaceable. Your heart is one of the most purest things I’ve ever experienced. I am so blessed to be your daughter.
7. John, thank you for treating me like family. Thank you for caring for my children as family. You are more family to me than some of my blood relatives. God bless you, you are truly one of a kind.
8. Daddy, thank you for taking care of things when I am not able to. I wish we weren’t so far apart, but you are always on my mind and in my heart.
9. Ashley, you are one of the only people who has seen the absolute best and worst of me. Even if we weren’t sisters, I think we’d still be best friends. I’m blessed that I have you to look up to!
10. Don Don, you are an amazing little brother. I am sorry this world has not been kind to you, and that you have gone through things God never meant for us to have to endure. My heart prays that God will take those tender areas of your heart and will grow something beyond your wildest imagination. God’s got you, baby brother.
11. Erica, I can unburden my heart to you. Your friendship and love means more than you will ever know. Adventures with you are my favorite. One of these days I will repay you for everything!
12. Nanny, you’re home to me. Your voice and your laughter are some of my favorite sounds. I miss spending summers with you, listening to your stories and hearing you sing. Your faith inspires me so much!
13. Papaw, you’re home to me, too! You are the greatest example of what a man of God is. Your faith encourages me and is what makes you shine above all other men!
14. Aunt Lisa, I want to grow up to be like you! I like to think that we have a lot in common. You are always a blast to be with. And you’ve helped me in so many ways over the years. You’re the coolest Aunt ever!
15. Jesse, congratulations on your wedding! Your bride is beautiful! I miss hanging out with you every summer!
16. Devin, dearest love, you’re always in my heart. I miss you!
17. Rachel, Tyler, and Lizzy; you three are the best! Tyler, thanks for being such a great friend to Daniel. Rachel, you’re the total package; I wish I could be more like you! Lizzy, you sweet little precious girl, I am so blessed to care for you!
18. Kenny! Thanks for making Phoenix happen. You’re the best!
19. Joann, thanks for taking care of Dad, and for all of the help throughout the years.
20. Maripeg, I miss our friendship! I wish we had stayed connected after high school. I will never forget you!
21. Samantha, thank you for all of the laughs growing up. I wish we had stayed close after high school. I will never forget you!
22. Christina, thanks for being my friend for a time. I wish things turned out different, but thanks for always being an inspiration and encouragement to me!
23. Betty, you are one of the strongest women I know. You will always feel like family to me.
24. Gloria, thank you for entrusting your son to me. He’s an amazing man because he has you for a mother!
Things I wish I could tell myself...
25. Baby Kendra, God knew you before He created the world. You are here for a reason! Nap now while you still can! ;)
26. Little kid Kendra, keep dreaming and writing and playing!
27. Middle school Kendra, it's not going to be like this forever. Things will get easier. Keep going!
28. Teenage Kendra, enjoy being a child while you still can. Don't take anything too seriously. Don't be afraid to be yourself.
29. College Kendra, remember when we dreamed of majoring in housewifery? You don't have to know all the answers yet. You're only just beginning!
30. Newlywed Kendra, congrats on marrying the most handsome man on earth. Whatever God brings together, nothing and no one can tear apart. Remember not to go to bed angry and to always love first, forgive much, and always let Daniel know how proud you are to be his wife!
31. Motherhood Era Kendra, you're crushing it. You feel so much and you worry to no end, but God gave you those precious little hearts to nourish and guide and with Him you can handle anything life throws at you with gentleness and grace. They were right; they do grow up fast. Enjoy every second while you can, even if you have to skip vacuuming and leave some dishes in the sink.
32. Future Kendra, God is not finished with you. You're life does not lose its value as you age. You've been given the gift of another day of life. Please, be kind to yourself. Take care of yourself. Believe in yourself!
33. Heavenly Father, let my life glorify You and point others to You. Thank You for never giving up on me and for your never ending love and grace.
34. Jesus Christ, I long to spend more time with You. I love you!
35. Holy Spirit, be my guide throughout this next chapter of my life.
36. Dear Reader, thank you for joining me for Blogust. I hope you’ll come back soon! As always, I’ll be writing you!