I've been feeling "in between" this week. Since returning from vacation under the weather and slowly recuperating, these last days of summer break won't be able to provide me with much else. Soon our schedules will shift as school resumes. My weeks will become routine once again, but I am ready to welcome it after a lazy few months of summer. I've enjoyed what I could of sleeping in, letting the dishes pile up in favor of other activities, and going out and about when I would normally be needed elsewhere. I'm reminded of the time after Christmas Day yet before New Years; so much excitement and anticipation has culminated with more just around the corner. After waiting a spell, it's the beginning of a new year, or in this case, a new season/school year.
Unpacking from vacation I came across the summer bucket list I wrote in the beginning of June. So many things were left unchecked. My plans were unrealized, and yet there is hope that this next season will be full of promise. Fail to plan and you're planning to fail. I created a 3-month summer planner that was available in my Etsy store. Now that August is flying by, I was in need of the next installment to get ahead and make the most of the autumn months. Today the Design Your Autumn 3-month Planner is my special Blogust gift to you for being the dearest Reader!