August is at its end, and so is Blogust. I had a blast posting this month and am already looking forward to doing it again next year. Thanks so much for following along. I'm planning to keep posting throughout September, and may even bring back Blogtober!
My birthday was yesterday and it was a wonderful day. I woke up to my sweet husband who had decorated with balloons and a birthday banner, read sweet birthday messages from my kids and had a nice slow morning at home. I got to cuddle two little sleeping beauties that afternoon as a storm rolled through - listening to thunder and rain on a tin roof for two hours was bliss! It was back to sunshine by the time we were leaving to go celebrate my nephew turning 13; happy birthday to my (not so) little Marshallmallow!
Today is my 20-year dateaversary with Daniel! He called me on the phone at exactly 9:15 p.m. to ask me to be his girlfriend and we’ve been together ever since! This December we will be celebrating 15 years of marriage. I can’t imagine life without him and our sweet babies. Blessed beyond my wildest imagination; God is so good!
This weekend we’re taking it easy and enjoying the extra time we have together before the hustle and bustle of another work and school week ensues. My birthday month may be over, but there is still so much to look forward to and I plan to enjoy every second of every day!