Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
I used to always wonder what God's calling for my life was. Was I meant to be more than a wife and mother? I realized that those verses tell me exactly what His will for me is. When I posture my heart to rejoice over all He is, supplicate my worries and concerns to Him, putting Him above all, and express my gratitude for all He has done, is working on, and will do—that is what I'm meant to be doing with my life.
I also couldn't help but recognize that I've had another part of His calling on display in my living room for nearly a decade now. Micah 6:8 says,
Mankind, He has told each of you what is good and what is is the Lord requires of you: to act justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
I am able to fulfill His calling for my life each and every day if I choose to live and abide by what these verses teach me to do. The choices I make in my home for my family or when I'm out and about will make a wave of difference whether or not I get credit for them or not. I do not need validation from other people more than I need to be an obedient vessel for my Lord and Savior. God did not knit me in my Momma's womb for me to live as if I was an incapable, utter failure of a human being. I was created to seek my Creator and to lead others to do the same.
Once I'm over this cold and feeling back to normal, I can't wait to hit the ground running and start enjoying my life again. Nothing is going to happen overnight, but it won't happen at all until I start getting out of my comfort zone some. Thanks for reading my little devotional; your regularly scheduled Blogust post will be up tomorrow afternoon!