Many moons ago, (well not that many because I am not that old, but that's besides the point) I introduced Erica to Shakira. Like me, she became a fan and we bonded over her music, even going as far as wearing matching outfits and trying to recreate her famous belly dance breaks. This past March, Shakira released her twelfth studio album, Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran (Women No Longer Cry). One month later, she announced her upcoming tour, and this is where the exciting part happens... Erica got us tickets to see her live for the first time together! She has gone out of her way to make one of our ultimate bucket list dreams a reality.
We are seeing Shakira live and in concert! *enter fangirl screaming here*

This is going to be the trip of a lifetime. It has been nearly 18 years since I last attended a Shakira concert (and I missed the first half hour of it). It was my first ever concert. September 12, 2006 will be a night I will never forget, but I have no doubt that this upcoming concert will outshine it immensely.
There are 71 days until the concert. I really wanted to get myself in better shape so that I could look and feel my best for the big night (and fit into my hip scarf for the occasion), but I'm having an absolute blast planning my concert outfit and what I'll need to pack for the days I'm away. And yet, the biggest aspect of this news can't be unveiled for a little over a month! I'm bubbling with excitement and can't wait to experience this once in a lifetime show with my bestest cousin and friend. I still can't believe that I'll be in the same room as Shakira in a few months. How amazing is that?!?!
Prayers for safe travels are appreciated. And I'll share the top secret part of the big news in October! Until then, I'll be shopping around, packing my carry on ridiculously early, and memorizing all of her Spanish lyrics so I can sing my heart out!