Before the summer took off, I had one amazing Saturday. I slept in, spent the early afternoon lounging in the sun, picnicked in the backyard with a yummy southwest salad and fresh raspberries, spent the evening browsing every aisle of Hobby Lobby, and topped it off with a Jaime French marathon while making friendship bracelets with my middle child.
One of the ideas that came to me that glorious June afternoon was to make a list of lists.
Today, my mind is racing. That perfectly serene day keeps coming to mind as my mental list of to-do's increases. While I haven't done anything particularly amazing so far, I have scheduled appointments, finished two loads of laundry, and tidied up some. Gathering forms for the coming school year gave me a surge of energy and it made me extra aware of other things I need to add to my lists!
Welcome back to Blogust! All this month I'm posting everyday leading up to my 36th birthday, and to help me break out of my existential crisis. Today's topic is all the things! When you're overwhelmed and your mental load keeps growing out of control, there's a list for that! We're only a five months away from 2025; before you know it I'll be posting for Blogmas (which I made a list of posts for already, btw)! If you've been caught in a rut like me, a fun way to make sense of the chaos is by sorting your tasks, troubles, and trials into categorized lists!
Here are a number of lists you can make to help sort out your life today!
- Needs (Personal)
- Spiritual / Physical / Mental & Emotional
- Wants (Personal)
- Hobbies / Fashion / Skincare / Travel / Growth
- Needs (Family)
- Healthcare appointments, etc.
- Wants (Family)
- Gift ideas, treats, holidays, etc.
- Needs (House & Home)
- Master Bedroom / Bathroom(s) / Kid(s) Bedroom / Living Room / Organization / Kitchen / Laundry / Outdoor
- Wants (House & Home)
- Decor / Furniture / DIY
- Projects (Personal)
- Projects (House & Home)
- Cleaning / Maintenance / Seasonal
- Go-To Breakfast Recipes
- Go-To Lunch Recipes
- Go-To Dinner Recipes
- Go-To Snacks
- Ultimate Life Bucket List
- Goals for the Month (August - December)
- Goals for 2025
- Holiday Gift Ideas
- Autumn Bucket List
- Winter Bucket List
- Holiday Bucket List
- Daily/Weekly Rituals & Routines
- Challenges to Complete
What topics would you add? Once you get everything out of your head and onto paper you're one step ahead of where you used to be. Next, you can start to plan out your list of priorities to start checking things off. Imagine how much progress you can make if you start today!