Permission Slips

Since my children have started school, paperwork has flooded home. Communication with their teachers is vital and I always do my best to be prompt when items have to be signed and returned. It’s been nearly two decades since I’ve last needed a permission slip signed by my parents. 
Even as an adult, I still feel like I need permission for certain things. Crazy, right? “Create Anyway” author Ashlee Gadd doesn’t think so. Today I’m writing my own permission slips to get me through this new season of life, and to stop feeling guilty about things that shouldn’t be convicting in the first place. 

 I, Kendra Wesley, give myself permission to… 
… go to bed early. 
… leave dishes in the sink overnight. 
… enjoy a hobby even if the house hasn’t been tidied up yet. 
… have cereal for dinner. 
… enjoy “the thing” NOW and stop waiting for timing to be “perfect.” 
… not have a plan. 
… deviate from my plan. 
… be more than just a wife and mother. 
… romanticize my life. 
… accept help when it is offered. 
… ask for help when I need it. 
… fail and try again and again. 
… get out of my comfort zone. 
… slow down, maybe even be late. 
… forgive myself. 

 What are you needing permission for?