Today is day 3/75! I’ll be sharing more about my trip in another post, but these next 75 days will be crucial for me and I owe it to myself to do the absolute best whether I feel like it or not. And let me tell you, I am not starting out as strong as I’d hoped BUT I’m choosing to be confident and work with myself instead of against myself. Just because my day didn’t end up how I imagined it doesn’t mean it was a total fail. To keep myself accountable I’m sharing this WIAW (What I Ate Wednesday) post. (Side note: this was actually Tuesday; I write my posts a day or so in advance so I don’t get behind!)
One of my biggest struggles is with food. Weight Watchers was not good for my mental health, so instead of counting (more like stressing over) points, I’m going for a simpler approach. I know I need to eat *less* and so I’m starting there. Because breakfast is usually something sugary and not very nutritious, I’ve decided to fast through it. I’m allowing myself a coffee (still getting used to school mornings) and staying hydrated. Plus, I can get more done in my mornings when I don’t have to think about food. I’m not starving myself, but since I seem to have a harder time making healthier choices first thing, fasting seems like the best option for me.

I broke my fast with a Southwest Salad and Strawberry Vanilla Olipop (my new favorite). My focus here was to eat slowly and enjoy each bite. No more rushing and still thinking I’m hungry when I’m actually not.
I’m trying not to snack in between meals, but I made a loaf of cinnamon pumpkin bread today and enjoyed a slice while it was nice and warm! Restricting myself leads to a binge and self-loathing, so I enjoyed the bread and can now get on with my day guilt-free!
Dinner this evening was beef roast with potatoes and carrots. I also made some green beans, macaroni and cheese for the kids, and yeast rolls. I like to add mustard to my potatoes, something my Dad always used to do growing up. This meal made me miss him.

The evenings are starting to fly by now that the kids are in school. I pack all the lunches after dinner and make sure all the laundry is ready for the next day. I will try to read a chapter or two of a book if I haven’t already, get myself ready for bed, and then the routine begins again. I’ll check in next Wednesday with another challenge update!