I spent last evening going through thousands of photos from the last two decades of my life. Each season is such a blessing, even if it doesn't feel like it while you're in the thick of it. I know for certain I will look back fondly on this Autumn months from now, even though it's been one of the most stressful seasons I've had in a while. There's always little moments I wish I could go back and relive. That's one of the reasons why I take so many photos. Although I no longer post them to Facebook or Instagram; they're mostly for me to look back on and treasure in my heart. Today, I wanted to share some of my favorite moments from Autumns past with you, dear Reader!
Zeke was three months old when he took his first trip to the pumpkin patch! We went with my sister and Zeke's best cousin, Easton! One of our first family traditions was established. Zeke's first Halloween costume was the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz! I couldn't resist!
Evie joined our family in Autumn of 2014! Her first Halloween costume was a cute little "Daddy's Under My Spell" tutu! Her first birthday was Wizard of Oz themed with a Dorothy dress made lovingly by her Grandma. I also attended my first concert with my cousin, Erica, in Autumn of 2015. She took me to Taylor Swift's 1989 world tour! My husband, Daniel, and I also took a little belated Honeymoon to Asheville, NC to stay at the Biltmore!
We completed our little family with Elora in the Spring of 2020 just in time to introduce her to all of our favorite fall traditions! I especially love that she got to wear her big sister's Thanksgiving ensemble (I always loved wearing my big sister's clothes, too). Zeke has outgrown trick-or-treating, so I'll just be taking Princess Jasmine and Dorothy this year. Here's a fun fact for you: this will be Evie's third year dressing up as Dorothy for Halloween. An idea that I will never ever turn down! She's also able to wear a pair of my own ruby slippers with her costume this year. *I'm not crying, you're crying!*
While we've not been able to cross off much on our autumn bucket list yet, we've got big plans to tackle several during our own little Team Wesley Fall Festivities weekend! I can't wait to make more memories and get some photographic keepsakes out of them, too! Thanks for taking a look at my Autumn Highlights with me today. Tomorrow I'm sharing my first (unofficial) Blogtober challenge all the way from 2010. Talk about a blast from the past! See you tomorrow for more Blogtober!