My first ever monthly challenge was in 2011. It was called Blogtober, obviously, and I had to post every day for thirty days. My posts were not always written ones. In fact, most of them were photographs. It was a different time then. I used to post random images and YouTube videos frequently with little to no explanation. I thought it would be a fun to share some of the prompts from 2011 à la quiz style. My answers from 2011 will be in green, and my answers from 2024 will be in orange. If the answer has remained the same despite the passing of time, the answer will be both green & orange! This is going to be a long one, so grab a mug of your favorite fall beverage and enjoy a little bit of 2011 Kendra a while!

I had a blast sharing all of my answers with you today! I can't believe how much I've changed since 2011, and how much I've remained the same—I love our walks down memory lane! There's only one more week of Blogtober left after I take a short weekend break. Be back Monday to start wrapping this challenge up!