Goodbye, Blogtober & Hello, November

Goodbye, Blogtober!

What. A. Month. If I had known beforehand what October 2024 was going to be like for me, I would have probably crawled into a hole to hide away. I still feel like that’s a choice, but I have too many people counting on me to actually try to “get away.” Blogtober was a fun escape for a while, but life caught up with me in the end (as it always does). Although I’m a few days short, I still wanted to take the chance and end strong!

My sweet children have been ill (one or two, or all three) since school started back. These past two weeks my girls and myself took a turn with it. I can’t go further without making a formal apology to my husband, who also took ill before me, for my causally brushing it off as just a head cold. Your strength, Daniel, my love, is all that got us through this. I’m going to take extra good care of you forever and ever and ever. I promise! You are a totally different breed of man than this world is accustomed to and God is definitely working in and around and through you, handsome. I am blessed to be your wife and will not take that position for granted another day. 

Feeling sick makes you miss all the little things, so easily taken for granted, that we feel entitled to and endure misery without. Sometimes that’s what it takes to get you out of a rut. I’ve been questioning a lot lately. Why is all of this happening to me? What am I doing wrong? Why can’t I overcome? The motivation to be better and do better is overpowering now that I’m slowly regaining my strength back. I want to continue strengthening myself from the inside out. 

November is at our doorstep! As treacherous as October arrived, I’ll be bidding her goodbye with hopes that next year when she returns it will be a on much more pleasant terms. I’ll be taking a little break from writing in November as I prepare for Blogmas in December and lots of fun things for 2025! It has been a pleasure writing to you this month, dear Reader. Thank you for spending Blogtober with me!