Happy November! October made me very sad and anxious and I'm still feeling residual stress, but today I had the whole morning and afternoon to myself (which is rare) and I used it to grab coffee with my husband, return some things at the store, browse Hobby Lobby (of course, I couldn't resist the 50% off everything Christmas), baked my hubby a pumpkin pie, and will set off in a bit to do the school pickup and afterschool activities run. I had high hopes for today. There was going to be absolutely zero cleaning involved, and as much of the things that bring me joy that I could fit into a 7-hour window. My time is running out, and although I didn't accomplish much I do have fresh ideas of ways that I can spend whatever down time I come across this month.
First, I'm getting rid of screen time. I've decided I need to give my brain a break, mostly from my phone, to allow myself time to think on my own for once. I still have a few books I've been meaning to finish since August, and I want to use this month to get a head start on all the fun blog things I have planned over the next four months. That's right, I'm going to be writing to you for months straight! I'm so excited for Blogmas and the first round of challenges coming up in 2025!
Secondly, there will be cleaning involved. I want to prep our home for Christmas, as well as simplify and downsize a bit. I have cupboards and drawers overflowing with things that haven't served me or my family in months, so it's time to let go and embrace something new for a change.
Lastly, I'm embarking on a serious lifestyle change to get my body, mind, and soul on a healthier path. I've been distracted by so much useless noise that it's time I gave myself a break and the benefit of the doubt for once. 2025 is going to be a year of transformation in many ways, but I'd like to take what is left of 2024 and get a head start!
Now that the pumpkin pie is out of the oven, it's time to go pick up my three little loves and get on with my usual evening routine. No matter what outcome our nation finds itself in, God is already there for tomorrow... and forever!