It's my favorite time of year again and that can only mean one thing: Blogmas!!! I have planned a special post for every single day of December, making this my most merriest Blogmas to date. I may have even put Christmas decorations up right after Halloween this year because I was so excited to start planning, writing, and getting posts ready for you!
I'm bringing back the nostalgic element from my Blogtober challenge for this special holiday season! This year, I want to celebrate as much as possible with my loved ones and truly appreciate every special tradition we can do together. It's important to me that we make memories that we can cherish for years to come. It won't be easy to make sure everyone has a wonderful time; life happens sometimes, but I'm willing to make sacrifices so that we can all build these lifelong memories. I can’t wait to embrace the old and new holiday traditions with my family!
In case you missed it, I have a December Photo-a-Day Challenge for you, too! If you want to add a little extra holiday cheer to your social platforms download your photo prompts and social stories templates and get started today! If you'd like, follow @currentlykendra and tag your posts with #kwblogmaschallenge so that I can see your awesome images and send you a little love, too!
The Blogmas 2024 post lineup is listed below. The links will go live as the posts are published, so you can bookmark this page to access them quickly each day!
12.1 - You Are Here | Blogmas Begins
12.2 - 2024 Christmas Tree Reveal12.4 - Holiday Hustle Calendar
12.5 - Christmas Wishes
12.6 - Currently... December
12.8 - O Come, O Come Emmanuel
12.10 - Cozy Christmas Crafts
12.11 - Happy Birthday, Pumpkin
12.12 - 15 + Infinity
12.20 - Winter Break Reset
Cheers to a very merry Blogmas season! I'll be writing you!