This Christmas, for the first time in 36 years, I don't have a wish list. It's not that I can't think of anything I'd like to have, but rather, I can't think of a single thing that would bring me happiness or make life easier. I can find excuses not to get things that should be on my "needs" list. I'm learning that going without things isn't so much a disaster as it is just a disappointment. A disadvantage, sure. It turns out that there are very few things that I actually need, and I'm also starting to notice that "need" is a word that I use very liberally.
This Christmas, I'm not focused on what I need, and I'm not focused on what I want. I'm focused on simply enjoying my family. I want to see their eyes light up on Christmas morning. I want to spend time listening to them talk about what brings them joy. I want to hear their laughter. And most of all, I want to share my time with them and enjoy their presence. I think that is a gift in itself.
Presence over presents. That's all I desire this year.
Years from now, when my kids are grown and have their own families, I hope that they fondly remember the Christmases when it was just the Wesley Five. And, even if they have their own traditions and plans for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, they can always come home to Mom and Dad at any time to experience that special Christmas feeling any time of the year.
What are you wishing for this Christmas, Reader? I hope it's exactly what you receive!
Merry Blogmas!