November ended with a light blanket of snow on the ground—what a beautiful start to December! Thanksgiving was wonderful; I enjoyed getting to have dinner with Mom and John and dessert with my sister and her kids. The boys headed off to New York to sing at Carnegie Hall while us girls ended our Thanksgiving break enjoying the snowy views from home. It's officially Christmastime and while I'm looking forward to enjoying our traditions I'm already a little overwhelmed and anxious about the following weeks and the start of a new year.
I started writing blog posts for Blogmas mid-November. I have lofty plans for my blog once the new year arrives, so I wanted to make sure I wouldn't get behind and disappoint myself. I've experienced a lot of setbacks this year, more than I have in the past. I've tried to make more progress this year, too, which I'm sure is why life had to throw all the opposition at me. My sister joked with me earlier this year about how my goal for 2024 should be flexibility, because I always feel like my plans are being foiled. She was right though, but I'm afraid I've been anything but flexible.
December seems like a good time to start fresh, right? No? Of course, this month is one of the craziest when it comes to schedules. After taking into account the extra school commitments, church, family commitments, traveling plans, and the usual home admin on top of trying to make time for holiday traditions, it leaves little space to breathe or for self-care. And yet, this time seems as good as any to try and initiate some positive habits into one's life. If you're going to learn how to be flexible and navigate obstacles, the most hectic time of year should be great practice. So, if you're trying to do the Holiday Hustle with me, know you're in good company. We may not make the next 28 days look great on paper, but the main point is that we try, right?
When I first started posting on this particular blog it was entitled, "Currently Kendra." The phrase reminds me to live in the present, to not get stuck living in the past or fearing for the future. I started this blog feature what feels like ages ago and now it's time for my last "Currently" post of the year! Here's what's going on with me currently, Reader...

Merry Blogmas!