6 days into January and we've already had a snow and ice storm (with more snow to follow by the end of the week). I had expected to go back to "business as usual," but I haven't minded the extra few days off. In fact, I've enjoyed them quite a bit. I've caught up on sleep, started planning and writing for next month's blog challenge, and have been trying to enjoy the last few moments of a very relaxed schedule. Pretty soon though, it will have to go back to "business as usual."
Before I know it, I'll have to have lunches packed, school uniforms washed, backpacks ready, and the morning school commute will resume. I don't want the hectic schedule to rule my mood and overwhelm me like I let it last year. Instead, I want to use what pockets of time I'm not sitting in school drop off/pick up line to maximize productivity and enjoy my days more. To do that, I'm going to have to have a plan.
I'm using a few planners to help me get the most out of each day. Due to the snow, my 2025 Happy Planner order hasn't arrived yet, so I had to design a few calendars/planners of my own to get started. I came across a "Block Your Year" planner that lets put everything for the entire year on the same page. I printed out a few so that I can use one for special dates and appointments, another for my blog, and another for planning my challenges and tracking my progress.
I'm using the Weekly Schedule planner to see where my pockets of time for things like Bible study, exercise, writing, family time, etc. will be, along with the school commute and after-school activities. Since every day of our week is a little different, it's like playing a game of tetris, trying to fit everything in, but such a relief knowing that I'm making time for what's important to me.
The Habit Tracker keeps track of up to 10 things that are going to add value to my everyday. The page is good for tracking a month's worth of progress, so each month I can reevaluate what my goals are and track accordingly.
You can grab my planners today, too! Just click on the image below the download the 2025 Planner Pack and print out as many pages as you need to help organize your 2025!