It's that time again—Challenge time! I first wrote the Begin Again challenge in 2018 and figured now would be the perfect time to bring it back. This challenge was designed to help you implement and track positive habits like reading your Bible daily and spending time in prayer. You can choose as many habits to track as you would like for 28 days. There are two versions of the challenge depending on how in-depth you'd like to go. The challenge kicks off on February 1st. Choose your version and let's Begin Again together!
The Reader Version:
The Reader Version is posted to KW daily at 6:00 a.m. Monday - Friday.
You will choose up to three habits to add into your daily life for the next 28 days, download and print off the habit tracker below to keep track.
Download and print off the bonus calendar printable to schedule time to read your Bible and pray every day for the next 28 days. I suggest reading from the book of Psalms, choosing one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), or the book of Romans. A chapter or couple of chapters a day is a great place to start if you haven't already got a routine in place.
You may also choose to keep a journal to write your prayers in during this challenge. Each week you'll also be given some prompts to help you dig deeper into the weekly theme.
You don't have to, but I encourage you to go ahead and subscribe to BLOOM so you can get even more out of your challenge with the Subscriber version. Again, it's totally up to you!
The Subscriber Version:
All who have subscribed to BLOOM will receive the full 28-day Begin Again Devotional eBook. All subscribers will receive the password to the Member's Library where your devotional book can be downloaded. The eBook will also be emailed to you before the challenge begins as well.
The Subscriber version includes 28 days of devotions, multiple habit tracker printables to choose from, a beautiful challenge calendar, weekly checklists to keep you accountable, along with the supplemental posts on the KW blog posted daily at 6:00 a.m. Monday - Friday.
I'll also be sending subscribers challenge emails throughout the week to help you keep on track with the challenge!
I'll be back February 1st with your first challenge post! Check back then or subscribe to BLOOM to get everything sent straight to your inbox!