Begin Again | Week Four Journal Prompts

Begin Again Week Four Journal Prompts

The theme of your devotions this week is strength. As you read your daily devotional and scripture, these prompts will help you find ways to put the Word into action in your daily life. Take a few moments to answer each question honestly and ask the Spirit to guide you throughout the remainder of the week to help live out what you're learning.

During the past three weeks of the challenge, what has been the most difficult for you? How have you worked to overcome your obstacles?

How can you shift your mindset from being self-sufficient to depending on God in His decisions and timing for your life?

Which scripture verses bring you strength when you need it most? What were you going through when God used that Truth in your life? Who do you believe needs to hear that Truth today?

In what ways can you use the difficulties you've experienced to show others of God's power and goodness?

As always, I’m ready and willing to intercede in prayer for you. Send me a message with your prayer requests or fill out the anonymous form here so that I can lift you up this week.