Each week I'll give you a prayer guide that compliments your devotions. You can add this prayer to your prayer time (or not). Sometimes I need help finding the words, so I wanted to make sure you have an avenue to get your prayer time going. This week's prayer is about strength. Whatever way you decide to pray, keep it up! Talking to your Savior should never be a last resort.
Lord, thank You for the comfort in knowing You are only a prayer away. When I am weak and weary, I know You are not far from me. Help me make the habit of coming straight to You, Father, when I am in need. You are my source of life, hope, peace, restoration, and love -- why wouldn't You be my source of strength as well? My trials here on earth are no surprise to You, and yet through everything You have planned good for me and my life. Help me to surrender my way to You, especially when I am in the pit of despair, so that Your strength and mercy can shine through the darkness. Although I am weak, nothing on earth below or heaven above can hold You back from rescuing and restoring me. Your love and care are more than I can fathom. Thank You for being a wellspring of strength for me to draw upon.I would love to cover you with prayer; if you want, leave your prayer requests below by filling out the contact form or send them in anonymously here.