As our challenge is coming to a close, our journeys are just beginning! For the last week you've been focused on strength and end full-circle back to renewal. Although this is my last post for the challenge, the Truth that we have been embracing over the last 28 days will prove to be priceless in the coming seasons of life.
We started with the desire for God to cleanse our heart and renew our spirit. We learned that we must face our afflictions with joy and practice patient endurance. Last week, we discussed the importance of discipline, and to be weary of the world's lies that satisfaction is the supreme goal. This week, we are going to focus on strength and how to see God's work in us come to fruition. The strength of which we are speaking of is not our own physical or mental capabilities, but that which is given to the one who fears, trusts, and obeys God.
When things get tough, what do you turn to? Do you vent to your best friend? Do you withdraw completely? Do you turn to food to numb your anxiety? Do you ignore your problems entirely? We all go to something that we believe will give us some sort of relief. Whatever or whoever that is becomes our refuge. I'd love to say that every time the going got tough, I turned to God and hands-down trusted that no matter the outcome I would be alright with it.
It's during those times when discouragement can be paralyzing. It's when we don't know where the funds will come from, where the time will appear in our schedule, or whether or not we can count on someone. Satan loves to make us feel stuck and fixated on what we lack. He wants us to remain isolated and frozen in our weaknesses. Satan doesn't want us to realize the Truth: seeking refuge in God isn't a sign of weakness, it's exactly the opposite.
Psalm 138:3 beautifully reads, "on the day I called, You answered me; you increased strength within me." Our dependence should be solely in the Lord. Furthermore, Psalm 142 can be used as a prayer whenever we're feeling overwhelmed, helpless, and isolated. The Psalm shows how we are incapable in our own wisdom and strength to escape the circumstances we may be in. And rather than relying on our own knowledge and understanding, we go directly to God who knows both what we're going through as well as the outcome.
God is waiting to have mercy on you. It is our choice to go to Him when we lack the strength to get through our troubles. We can leave Him waiting for a long time, however, so it is only just that we be patient and endure as He works out things in His perfect, faithful, just ways.
Do you see how it's coming full-circle now? There is no denying that things in life will get hard. When they do, we need to be patient and endure with joy found only in Him, while we discipline ourselves to mature more fully and show His glory to the world around us. And when we feel our weakest, He is there to renew our strength to help us finish our race. Read Isaiah 40:31. Our strength comes from His Word, His Truth. We need to equip ourselves with as much of it as we can every day. Even on days when we don't feel weak and everything seems to be going our way.
The great comfort to take away from this week: God is all you need. When you stumble, He is there to pick you up. When you sin, He is there to offer forgiveness. When you feel weak, He will carry you through to the end. It is natural to feel vulnerable, overwhelmed, frustrated, fearful, among so many other emotions. Just don't live in those feelings! Flee to your source of strength! That is why we can find comfort in knowing it is a process. We will never be fully "there" until Christ comes to take us home. God is faithful. We can praise Him when things are easy, knowing He is all that is good. We can praise Him when things are difficult, knowing that He is changing us to be more like His Son. Christ suffered much for us. The world would have us suffer the same, but God is on our side and He uses all of the evil in the world and turns it into good. What sweet victory we have in Jesus Christ! The world seeks out to do evil, but God intends every good thing for us, bringing such marvelous hope!
Putting away our own self-sufficiency in exchange for exclusive dependence on God is how we tap into His strength. When we have been strengthened by faith in Him, rooted in His Truth, we are led to renewed life. We grow in wisdom, joy, understanding, and have abundant life. As you move on to day 29, go with the comfort that God is going with you. He's already gone before you to prepare. When we allow Him to cleanse and renew us, we gain so much more than can be counted in progress or success. We gain a loving, trusting relationship with the Creator of the universe, our Savior, our Healer, our Comforter, our Friend, and our Father.
I have enjoyed taking on this challenge with you more than you'll ever know, Reader! Until next time, I'll be writing you soon!