Begin Again | Week Four Worship Guide

Begin Again Week Four Worship Guide

Worship is defined as the expression of reverence and adoration of God. Worship shows how deeply we respect God and how we lift Him up above all. Worship is what we were created for, by the way. There are many ways that we can glorify God, and we've only exhausted a few of those options so far. After today, I hope that you still continue to find ways to worship throughout your day! Sunday may be the day we take part in worship with our brothers and sisters in Christ, but Monday - Saturday are days for worship, too. Today we're going to take time to remember. 

Take out your prayer journal or a notebook. Make a list or write a few sentences about all of the good things God has done for you. You may be thinking "I'll never be able to stop writing!" and you're right about that. Honestly, there's no end to His goodness, but set a timer for yourself (15-30 minutes) to solely focus on remembering all that God has done. When your timer goes off talk to God about what you wrote. Thank Him for Who He is and all that He does. God deserves our praise and thanksgiving. He works day and night, never sleeps, and is always aware of every last detail of our lives. The Bible is full of reminders of how much He loves and cares for us. Let's not let another day go by where we aren't aware of His goodness and mercy.