Welcome to Day One of the Begin Again Challenge! If your January was slow to start off, like mine, this is your chance to gain some momentum for the rest of the year. Week One's topic of the Begin Again challenge is Renewal. To get ready for the challenge this week, make sure you fill out your habit tracker with the things you're going to be working toward over the next 7 days, and schedule in time to read your Bible, the Devotional (if you choose the Subscriber version), and time to spend in prayer. Visit the blog each day; your challenge post will be waiting for you each morning by 6 o'clock. Post your weekly checklist or keep it with your Bible to make sure you're following through with your daily action items. As always, Reader, I'm rooting and praying for you!
Download the free resources below or subscribe to the BLOOM newsletter and receive the full 28-day devotional now! Thank you for accepting the challenge. I'll be back bright and early Monday morning with your prayer guide!