Begin Again | Week One Worship Guide

Begin Again Week One Worship Guide

Worship is defined as the expression of reverence and adoration of God. Worship shows how deeply we respect God and how we lift Him up above all. Worship is what we were created for, by the way. There are many ways that we can glorify God, and over the next four weeks we will explore some of those together. This week we're going to dance like David! In Samuel 6:14, "David was dancing with all his might before the Lord." In that moment, his entire being was motivated to whirl around in an act of worship. Have you ever felt so moved by Him that you had to get up and raise the roof because you couldn't hold it all in? If you haven't, we're going to dance it out for the Lord today together!

I can't take credit for these videos, but Grow with Jo has a few Christian worship videos that will get us all dancing like David! You can sing along if you're familiar with the tracks she uses; singing is another way we can worship Him, and is it a coincidence how perfectly it pairs together with dancing? I think not! Click on the image below to see your worship dance workouts for today. Choose one (or all) and dance for all God has done, is doing, and will do in your life today! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! And a huge thanks to Jo, for creating these videos!

Begin Again Week One Worship Guide Playlist