Begin Again | Week Three Prayer Guide

Begin Again Week Three Prayer

Each week I'll give you a prayer guide that compliments your devotions. You can add this prayer to your prayer time (or not). Sometimes I need help finding the words, so I wanted to make sure you have an avenue to get your prayer time going. This week's prayer is about discipline. Whatever way you decide to pray, keep it up! Talking to your Savior should never be a last resort. 
Lord, please help me to have a positive attitude and live with a mindset of patience and courage as You work in my life. Help me to remain faithful and committed fully to You. Show me how to make You and Your will a priority in my life. I want to honor You in all that I do. Help me care for my body, my family, and all that You have entrusted to me, wisely. Obedience leads to Your blessing. Empower and encourage me with the will to want to make right decisions, decisions that lead to a better life and multiply Your peace and joy in my life. Lord, help me to act on the spirit of power, love, and self-discipline You have provided me in faith, not allowing fear or the comfort of the familiar to hold me back from bringing glory to You.
I would love to cover you with prayer; if you want, leave your prayer requests below by filling out the contact form or send them in anonymously here.