Begin Again | Week Two Bonus Devotion

Begin Again Week Two Bonus Devotion

Let's talk about temptation.

As we are walking closer and closer to Christ, Satan likes to make sure he surrounds us with tempting forces. At times, we can help the deceiver derail us, but other times we are purely tempted against our will.

Either way, God provides us a way out. Can I get an Amen!?

God provides a way out! Read it for yourself in 1 Corinthians 10:13:
No temptation has come upon you except what is common to humanity. But God is faithful; He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation He will also provide a way out so that you may be able to bear it.
God allows us to be tested, to be challenged, as a way to grow and strengthen our faith in Him. Without these experiences, our so called faith is nothing but futile. It's easy to say that we have faith. However, the true test is what we do with it. And now you know why life's struggles are so very important to us as Christ followers. Note that God doesn't say the temptation will vanish, but that you will be able to "bear it." Temptation isn't going anywhere this side of heaven. We will be tempted. We will have the option to fall into sin or to remain obedient to God.

Those who endure, patiently and persistently, are the ones who find victory. We already know victory is ours when we accept Christ! Still, it can be hard to accept that victory when we feel the walls closing in and crumbling all around us. Just because life gets hard doesn't mean we can't overcome victoriously.

Endurance is a crucial aspect of our faith. Without it, we will never grow and mature as Christians. It is easier said than done, but we can accept all of life's struggles with grace and hope knowing that God has already orchestrated every aspect of our struggles to have an end for our own good. Keep the faith, Reader. No matter what life is throwing at you or what you're feelings are trying to convince you is true, God has good plans for you and your life. He can take the mess you're experiencing and turn it into a message of hope and victory. Take hold of His promises, and keep going! God is in control and He isn't going anywhere!