Begin Again | Week Two Prayer Guide

Begin Again Week Two Prayer

Each week I'll give you a prayer guide that compliments your devotions. You can add this prayer to your prayer time if you choose. Sometimes I need help finding the words, so I wanted to make sure you have an avenue to get your prayer time going. This week's prayer is about endurance. Whatever way you decide to pray, keep it up! Talking to your Savior should never be a last resort. 
Lord, help me to shift focus from my struggles and be transformed in my attitude instead. May I find hope in the glory that will be revealed to me through my trials. Sometimes I feel worn and weary and lose sight of what is important. Help me remember the joy of the reward to come -- being in heaven with You, free of pain and suffering forever. Thank You for Your patience with me as I learn important lessons. Help me not to repeat my mistakes, and to never give up hope that You will come through for me. Through my struggles you are producing endurance in me, and through that endurance You are building character. And in my character you are establishing hope. Hope that can only be found in You, Almighty God.
I would love to cover you with prayer; if you want, leave your prayer requests below by filling out the contact form or send them in anonymously here.