Begin Again | Week Two Worship Guide

Begin Again Week Two Worship Guide

Worship is defined as the expression of reverence and adoration of God. Worship shows how deeply we respect God and how we lift Him up above all. Worship is what we were created for, by the way. There are many ways that we can glorify God, and over the next three weeks we will explore some of those together. Today we're going to take time to fast.

A fast is purposefully abstaining from food (or other forms of pleasure) for a period of time to devote oneself to prayer and reading God's Word in order to draw nearer to Him. Jesus expected his disciples to fast. As disciples of Christ, we are called to fast as well. Jesus does not say "if" you fast but "when" which leads me to believe that this is an act of faith that we are to take part in during our lifetime. As often as we feel led to, Jesus instructs, "whenever you fast, don't be gloomy like the hypocrites. For they make their faces unattractive so that their fasting is obvious to people. Truly I tell you, they have their reward. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that your fasting isn't obvious to others but to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." (Matthew 6:16-18) Fasting is a form of worship because it is an act of your faith. And as James 2:17 says, faith without works is dead. 

There are many ways to fast. Pray for the Spirit to guide you in your choosing. A full fast usually lasts from sunrise to sunset and includes only water. A partial fast can be abstaining from a certain food or groups of food. You may also choose to fast from something other than food, especially if your health does not allow you to go for long without eating. Some alternatives to food that you may choose to fast from include television, nights out, social media, and secular music. Fasting can last anywhere from a day to however long you are feeling led.

Remember, fasting is an action. It is something you do. In order to fast you must spend time in prayer and in the Word when you would usually be eating or doing the activity you've given up -it is not spiritual fasting cannot unless the Truth and prayer are present. It is so much more than giving something up for a certain number of days. You are turning away from something and giving God the full attention and devotion He deserves. 

King David once said he would not give an offering to God that cost him nothing (2 Samuel 24:24). When we choose to fast as worship, in order for it to be seen as a true act of reverence and honor toward God, we need to be willing to pay a price.

One article I read recently was about a woman who fasted from grumbling and complaining. It was very difficult for her because she had grown accustom to talking about her complaints more than her blessings. However, she wanted to honor all that God was doing in her life and had done for her, and so she did a hard thing and went without complaining for a time. Not because she wanted others to hear her talking positively all of the time, but because she wanted to bring glory to God.

Fasting allows us to show God that He is more important to us than food or the thing that we are fasting from. In the matter of food for example, God created us to consume food for energy and nourishment to keep us alive. Going without our basic needs illustrates how much more we should be relying on God for sustenance. We give up something we enjoy and find pleasure in because getting to know God in a deeper and more meaningful way is more satisfying to us than rich foods.

Fasting can be seen as something usually done when we need correction or when we're desperate for God to hear our prayers. Instead, we can enter into times of fasting to simply honor and worship God. When God is the center of our world, that is true worship! And, as always, I'm here to fast and prayer alongside you. Please do not hesitate to let me know how I can lift you up in prayer, Reader!